Results For Category: "Uncategorized"
Embrace the Great Outdoors: The Powerful Impact on Physical and Mental Health from a CrossFit Gym Owner’s Perspective
July 27, 2023Stepping outside the confines of the gym allows our members to take their physical performance to the next level.
How Physical Movement Helps Improve Your Health and Fitness
May 16, 2023Moving your body on a daily basis can have many positive effects on your mental and physical health.
Benefits of supplementing with electrolytes
May 11, 2023Electrolytes are minerals that have an electric charge, and they play a vital role in the proper functioning of the human body. They are essential for the maintenance of proper fluid balance, nerve function, muscle contractions, and many other important bodily functions.
Taking a Look Beyond the New Year’s Resolution – How to Set a Vision for Your Life
January 3, 2023The start of the new year often comes along with resolutions and goals, things we want to accomplish in the coming months. But what if…
3 Reasons to prioritize your fitness during the holidays
December 22, 2022With the holiday season in full swing, it’s easy for your fitness goals to take a backseat. But taking time out of your busy schedule…
Should I cut certain foods out of my diet?
December 19, 2022Is it necessary to cut certain foods or food groups out of your diet to see results? This is a twofold answer because it depends on the type of results you are looking for.
Is It Okay To Splurge For My Birthday (or other special events)?
December 5, 2022Identifying the specific things that would make my birthday feel like a special occasion helped me have a plan going into the weekend and enjoy the things I truly wanted.
How to stay on track during the holidays
November 21, 2022Did you know there is a balance between enjoying the holidays and not having to dig yourself out of a hole come January?
How to Enjoy Eating Out While Still Making Progress
November 7, 2022“Should I avoid eating out while I’m working on my nutrition? Or do I need to eat a plain salad and that’s it?”
9 Things to do to avoid packing on the holiday pounds
October 17, 2022Maintaining your results over the holiday season doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some habits clients have found helpful to implement to stay on track and set themselves up for success in the new year.